MIT石井裕先生講演内でのアーカイブズプロジェクトのご紹介|Introducing of our project in Professor Hiroshi Ishii's lecture


On August 6, I could not join Professor Hiroshi Ishii (MIT Media Lab.) 's lecture -- “311 Crisis Response” in Tokyo -- because I had to make a presentation of Hiroshima Archive of memorial day. But I heard from Mr. Kouichi Sakata (a project member of Nagasaki Archive) that Prof. Ishii had introduced our “Hiroshima Archive” and “The Japan Earthquake Archive” in his lecture. I was very surprised.

以下,Tech総研のサイトより. The YouTube movie is available.


Prof. Ishii had retweeted our “Traffic Results Information Mashup” after the East Japan Big Earthquake occurrence. I wish to express my gratitude for having introduced our project in his lecture. Thank you very much. (Hidenori Watanave)


フォーリン・プレス・センターによるニュース記事|A spacial news article by Foreign Press Center

公益財団法人フォーリン・プレス・センターによる,ナガサキ・ヒロシマアーカイブについての特集記事が公開されています.|A special news article about Nagasaki - Hiroshima Archive by Foreign Press Center is available.


The other day's overseas reporters interview about “Nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation” was accepted by way of Foreign Press Center. Today's news article is very polite and in a Japanese-English parallel description. I wish to express my gratitude. (Hidenori Watanave)


日本テレビ,TBSでの放映内容(Japanese only)




先日のNHK WORLD然り,各局,それぞれ色合いが異なります.昨年の長崎放送TBSの報道を思い出します.きょうは二つのテレビ報道に「窓の杜」の記事が重なり,一時はウェブサイトに繋がりにくくなるほどのアクセスがありました.現時点で約15000ページビューです.



テレビ放映のおしらせ,Web上の反響 / TV Program and access status on the web


I made a business trip on Aug.5 to 6 and lectures for students of the Hiroshima Jogakuin and others who gathered for the signature activity and commemoration service of the memorial day of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. The image above is a panorama shot of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park after the commemorative ceremony ended on the morning. There was a sun shower when we visited though it had been fine weather and hot since the morning. The situation made me imagine the event that had occurred in this place 66 years ago.


The program that brings a lecture in Hiroshima and a current content of coverage together will be broadcast. Please watch them by all means.
  • 日本テレビ「ZIP!」/ Nippon Television“ZIP!”:6:30 AM -
  • TBS「Nスタ」/ TBS“N-sta”: 17:45 PM -


The spread of information in Twitter doesn't stop after August 1, and the web access has increased rapidly. Present data is shown below. 15,233 Pageview per a day was recorded in 8/6.


The accumulation Pageview of Nagasaki archive reaches 435,436 since July 2010. Today is the second until the memorial day of the Nagasaki atomic bombing. (Hidenori Watanave)


“Genbaku-no-Zu” by Iri & Toshi Maruki were archived / 丸木位里,俊「原爆の図」を掲載しました


“Genbaku-no-Zu”(Paintings of Atomic Bomb) by Iri & Toshi Maruki those were offered from Maruki Museum (Maruki Gallery for The Hiroshima Panels) to us are now available in “Hiroshima Archive”. All pictures are floating near the ground zero.


The following works are available now.


We wish to express our gratitude for all staff of Maruki Museum and their contribution. (Hidenori Watanave)