This article was written after the author read sentences of our website well, and a very polite article. It is a part of the article translated into Japanese / English as follows.
原子爆弾投下から66年の時を経た記憶を留めるために,また今年,東日本を襲った地震と津波という,もうひとつの大きな悲劇の影響を受けながら,首都大学東京の渡邉英徳准教授は,協力者たちと「ヒロシマ・アーカイブ」を立ち上げました.それは(サーロウ)節子のような被爆者の証言,空撮写真,ビデオインタビュー,世界中から寄せられた核廃絶に向けたツイートを重層し,仮想地球儀Google Earthに載せたデジタルアーカイブです.
To conserve memory, this year, on the occasion of 66th anniversary of the outbreak, and in the shadow of another great tragedy that has shaken Japan, the earthquake and tsunami in Sendai, Professor Hidenori Watanave Metropolitan University Tokyo, together with his collaborators, has launched the '"Hiroshima Archive", a digital archive based on the virtual globe Google Earth, which collects, superimposed on different levels of consultation, written testimonies of the survivors (like that mentioned above, the Setuko) aerial photographs, interviews, videos, tweets from around the world on the theme of peace and nuclear disarmament.
The digitized material comes from several sources: the museum of the Memorial for Peace, the Association Jogakuin Gaines, and Hachioji hibakusha (the survivors of the bomb). Many of the testimonies are, unfortunately, in Japanese, which reduces the possibility of interaction by visitors from Japan, but there are also some fifty interviews in English.
The Hiroshima Archive was to be a simple collection of memories of the community of survivors in the wake of what was achieved last year for the murder of Nagasaki, a platform to collect the stories of the past and the messages of this auspicious, but the earthquake of 11 March of this year has changed the card in, re-presented the specter of contamination by radiation after the nuclear power plant in Fukushima has been damaged by the earthquake.
The mission of the Archives has now become, in the words of the organizers, to "learn from the tragedies of the past, get involved and pass on to future generations in their own words." For the story gets really "teacher of life."
(渡邉英徳 / Hidenori Watanave)
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